Artist Spotlight: &DearFriends
Promoting Your Shows Effectively Online
This post may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure for more info. Written by Brittney Bergstrom So you've gone through the motions and booked an event. Nice job! Whether you've put the whole thing together yourself from scratch, accepted a tour from an agent, whatever, the next step after announce is to promote the living shit out of it. You might be thinking "well, that's easy, I'll just throw flyers in people's faces and post the event on social media every 15 minutes." Not so fast (unless you want lose all of your friends). There's an art to promoting without annoying and we...
How to Start Your Own DJ Night
This post may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure for more info. DJ nights are great fillers for bars and venues in between their bigger shows. Although some people in the industry loathe them ("start a real band!" they'll say), they are an integral component to building a solid music scene in a city. I started Get Sad Y'all, our emo night, from scratch with no true experience. Been at it for over two years now and it's fair to say it's been fairly successful. I've learned a ton over that time and have dumped my thoughts in the post below to hopefully...
Weekly Musings (July 22, 2019)
Artist Spotlight: The Bronze Age