Shane Told (Silverstein) on Hosting a Successful Podcast

Let’s Chat About Privilege, Millennials, and One Very Heated Facebook Argument

This post may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure for more info. Written by Brittany Shea There’s been a tremendous amount of talk the past decade about polarizing politics, generations, and socioeconomics. These things are infinitely more apparent in the past three years. How did we get here? Millennials vs. baby boomers? What happened to the middle class? Why is it that elementary school children can control their tempers better than most adults, including our political leaders? Now before you think this is just another "let's bash on Trump" post, I want to be clear that’s not what I want to talk about today...
Weekly Musings (August 12, 2019)

Artist Spotlight: High Shores

Mike Fishkin (idobi) on Hosting a Radio Show